
Article writing

  • Here is an article by Devoney Looser on How Your Journal Editor Works. It is a light but useful explanation of what happens after you submit a journal article. The basic argument is that editors are human beings and colleagues and that remembering that will help you work with them more effectively.


Courtesy Bruce Stiftel, below is information ontop ranked planning journals.

In 2010, Harvey Goldstein and Gunther Maier published survey results of US planning educators' assessments of the importance of planning journals ("The use and valuation of journals in planning scholarship: peer assessment versus impact factors". JPER 30 (1):66-75.   They showed 35 journals in order of ranked importance:

  1. Journal of the American Planning Association
  2. Journal of Planning Education and Research
  3. Urban Studies
  4. Housing Policy Debate
  5. Journal of Urban Affairs
  6. Journal of Planning Literature
  7. Economic Development Quarterly
  8. Environment and Planning A
  9. Urban Affairs Review
  10. Environment and Planning B
  11. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
  12. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
  13. Journal of Planning History
  14. Journal of Urban Design
  15. Landscape and Urban Planning
  16. Regional Studies
  17. Transportation Research Part A
  18. Planning Theory
  19. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
  20. Planning Theory and Practice
  21. Housing Studies
  22. Journal of Regional Science
  23. Journal of Urban Economics
  24. World Development
  25. Planning
  26. Transportation
  27. Environment and Planning D
  28. Transportation Research Record
  29. American Journal of Sociology
  30. Environmental Management
  31. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
  32. Land Economics
  33. Land Use Policy
  34. Natural Hazards Review
  35. Town Planning Review

Also in 2010, Willem Salet and Rene Boer of AESOP compiled a list of 235 journals cited by 214 European planning scholars as important to their work in a survey.   Their analysis (How European planning scholars rank the importance and reputation of journals: summary of findings") is available on the AESOP website: and is also summarized in JPER ("Commentary: comparing the use and valuation of journals between US and European planning scholars". JPER 31(2011): 95-8;  ).   The top 15 journals in that study in reputation order were:

  1. Urban Studies
  2. Environment and Planning A
  3. European Planning Studies
  4. Planning Theory and Practice
  5. Town Planning Review
  6. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
  7. Environment and Planning B
  8. Planning Theory
  9. Journal of Planning Education and Research
  10. DISP
  11. Journal of the American Planning Association
  12. Planning Practice and Research
  13. Environment and Planning
  14. Raumforschung und Raumordnung
  15. Journal of Urban Design

Other listings of planning journals include:

Bruce Stiftel and Rebecca Mogg. 2008. A planner's guide to the digital bibliographic revolution. JAPA. 73(1):68-85 (lists 98 English language planning

Bruce Stiftel, Vanessa Watson and Henri Acselrad. 2007. Introduction: global commonality and regional specificity. Pp. 1-24 in Dialogues in Urban and Regional
Planning, volume 2, Stiftel, Watson, Acselrad, eds. (Routledge, 2007) lists 141 planning journals in various languages.   Pre-publication proofs of the chapter are online at:

Chris Webster, C. 2006. Ranking planning journals. Environment and Planning B 33:485-90 (gives citation metrics for 40 planning journals). .