Sienna Jane's Scene

Earlier blog

Angry drawing

So Sienna was angry with YK and I last night. To process her emotions, she cut a piece of paper out of a drawing pad and drew the picture picture. Then she handed it to YK and told her she wouldn't tell her what she drew.

I love the energy...and the healthy way of processing her feelings.

Spontaneous ballet

We were watching Frozen (2013) for the second time last night. It seems to have turned into a new favorite for Sienna, which I think is a good thing. Overall, the message is pretty good for a princess film. The thing I want to note for posterity, however, is what happened during the initial love scene between Princess Ana and the two-faced Hans, in which they at one point dance through the castle. As they did so, Sienna, who has been taking ballet for about six months, spontaneously got up and started pirhouetting and dancing around the living room.

First sleepover

So Sienna was over at her friend's house (윤지) with Mom yesterday. When it came time to go home at 8pm, she apparently threw a huge tantrum and refused to leave. Yoonji's mother "helpfully" suggested that Sienna could sleep there. And Sienna snapped the offer up. Next thing you know, Sienna has her first sleepover. At least before bedtime, it looked like she was having a grand time. (But I haven't heard any morning update.)

Big Girl School time

Sienna at kindergarten commencement.

Ice cream

Merry Christmas!

Look at that whale

Something missing?

Outer space ballerina
