Make Poverty History...Again

The Guardian reports that leading aid groups in Britain are coordinating for a public action campaign in 2013, when Prime Minister Cameron takes the helm of the G8. Unfortunately, the name they are choosing strikes me as ultimately self-defeating. In aiming to recreate the success of the Make Poverty History campaign in 2005, they have also decided to reuse the name. The 2013 campaign is currently called "Make Poverty History 2". By giving the movement a movie sequel title, they imply not only that they did not succeed in making poverty history in the first campaign/movie but also that they will not be successful this time either. Where there's a "2", there will be a "3".

I'm not so naive as to think that they will be successful this time or that they should have been last time, but I strongly believe that admitting defeat in advance will make it too easy to cave in on demands along the way.