
Well, I've finally got an SSCI journal article accepted. "Urban regeneration and gentrification: Land use impacts of the Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project on the Seoul's Central Business District" has been accepted by Habitat International. Here is the abstract:

The definition of gentrification has expanded significantly since its initial application in the US and UK nearly fifty years ago to cover any process by which urban space is produced for more affluent users. Some authors are now questioning the utility of such a broad concept, arguing that it is virtually indistinguishable from the process of urban regeneration. Through an exploration of land use changes in Seoul’s historical central business district in the wake of the widely touted Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project, this paper argues that urban regeneration and gentrification are irreducible views of the same process that concentrate on the interests of different stakeholders. Therefore, the paper concludes that the broad definition of gentrification is more useful since it focuses public debate on the ideological and ethical question of favoring some stakeholders’ interests over those of others.

This is, of course, great. Unfortunately for me, however, despite having written about half the paper I will only receive a third of the full credit because I was listed as the third author of four. C'est la vie. Time to get to work on the other articles.


Professor! Can we read that article or discuss about it in the class? So, we can downlaod it from that Journal or also get it from you? I can't wait to read it. :)

Congratulations!! Looking forward to reading it!  

Congradulation Professor,we like to read it